
July and August 2016: Megan and the Rúa Lab have moved to the Department of Biological Sciences at Wright State!

June 2016: Megan presented at the 2016 Evolution Conference in Austin, TX as part of a species interaction Spotlight Session. See the presentation:

June 2016: New collaborative research started as a NCEAS Distributed Graduate Seminar, continued as part of a NESCENT working group, and finished while Megan was a postdoc at NIMBioS has been published in BMC Evolutionary Biology, “Home-field advantage? evidence of local adaptation among plants, soil, and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi through meta-analysis.” Data can be directly accessed on Dryad.

June 2016: The NIMBioS Summer Research Experience undergraduate researchers are here! Megan is helping with the “Mouse Trap” group which will investigate the effects of different landscapes and resources on hantavirus spread in mice populations.

May 2016: Data produced during a National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS) Distributed Graduate Seminar is released in Scientific Data: “MycoDB, a global database of plant response to mycorrhizal fungi.” Data can be directly accessed on Dryad.

  • see media coverage from the University of Alberta here

May 2016: Megan presented at the 2016 Yosemite Symbiosis Workshop in Wawona, CA.

March 2016: New research with former University of Mississippi undergraduate student Sarah Steele and members of Carolin Frank‘s lab at UC Merced is published in Frontiers in Microbiology, “Ectomycorrhizal fungi structure the bacterial needle endophyte microbiota in Pinus radiata: implications for biotic selection of microbial communities.”

March 2016: Megan participated in the 2016 Early Career Scientist Symposium at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, MI. Watch the presentation here:

October 2015: Megan presented at the biweekly NIMBioS seminar. Watch the seminar:

October 2015: Megan represented NIMBioS at the SACNAS National Conference 

September 2015: Megan moved to a new position: Postdoctoral Fellow at the National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis (NIMBioS) in Knoxville, TN

August 2015: New manuscript with former University of Mississippi undergraduate students Becky Moore and Lily Van is published in the Journal of Fungi, “Ectomycorrhizal fungal communities and enzymatic activities vary across an ecotone between a forest and field.”

August 2015: Megan presented at the 2015 Ecological Society of America Meeting in Baltimore, MD.

August 2015: New manuscript with former University of North Carolina undergraduate Briana Whitaker is published in New Phytologist, “Viral pathogen production in a wild grass host driven by host growth and soil nitrogen.”

July 2015: Presented at the 8th International Conference on Mycorrhizae in Flagstaff, AZ.

July 2015: New collaborative manuscript from MASAMU workshop published in BioMed Research International, “The implications of HIV treatment on the HIV-malaria coinfection dynamics: a modeling perspective.”

April 2015: New collaborative manuscript from Woodstoich III published in Oikos, “Rapid evolution of a consumer stoichiometric trait destabilizes consumer-producer dynamics.”

February 2015: Final piece of my dissertation is published in Theoretical Ecology, “The effect of mutualists on pathogen-host dynamics.”

August 2014: Megan will be attending Woodstoich 2014 as a member of the Ecological Stoichiometry and Rapid Evolution group in Sydney, Australia.

August 2014: University of Mississippi graduate students Ann, Megan Overlander, W. Chase Bailey, Matt Abbott and I will be attending the 2014 Ecological Society of America Meeting in Sacramento, CA. Good luck everyone!

August 2014: New manuscript “Why is living fast dangerous? Disentangling the roles of resistance and tolerance of disease” is published in American Naturalist.

May-June 2014: Back from the field! Collected samples for a new project evaluating the role plant evolutionary history plays in shaping mycorrhizal communities using Sand Pine (Pinus clausa).

May 2014: Another piece of my dissertation is published in Journal of Ecology, “Climate drivers, host identity, and fungal endophyte infection determine virus prevalence in a grassland ecosystem.”

November 2013: Bridget and Megan attend the 32nd New Phytologist Symposium “Plant interactions with other organisms: molecules, ecology and evolution” in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

November 2013: Hoeksema Lab graduate student Bridget Piculell placed second in the PhD portion of University of Mississippi’s Three Minute Thesis Competition. Way to go!

October 2013: Hoeksema Lab graduate student Ann Rasmussen successfully defended her master’s prospectus. Congrats Ann!